Survive 300 Million #1-2 (2018)
Survive 300 Million #1-2 (2018)
English | CBR | 2 Issues | 158.42 MB

It wasn't always like this. Broken. Dead. Dreary. This world once had itself a name. It hasn't been spoken aloud since ancient times. Since before the Reptilians!
A father and son team, Axel and Blaze, traverse the post-man ruinscape of the future. They stumble upon an advance reptilian base in the dulce mountains and have to face the inhabitants within. Insane psychic action and bloody violence punctuate their quest for survival.
The adventures of the cyborg Axel and his son Axel who is quickly developing his psychic powers continues in the second book of Survive 300 Million! After the cliffhanger ending of book 1, Axel and Blaze must reunite to escape their alien captors. And Blaze must learn how to reach his ultimate psychic potential by teaming with an unexpected friend.

Tales from the Hyperverse (2017)
Tales from the Hyperverse (2017)
English | CBR | 44 pages | 32.71 MB

Welcome to the Hyperverse - Where space sorcerers hurl face-melting spells in battle, ancient wizards and witches scour the cosmos for fuel, and less powerful beings just try to avoid getting ground into powder for magic potions.

Pocket Full of Coffee (2012)
Pocket Full of Coffee (2012)
English | CBR | 36 pages | 31.53 MB

Joe Decie's short comic strips are hilarious and beautiful. Pocket Full of Coffee, his first long-form work, shows Joe's mastery of magic realism. It quietly reveals beauty in the mundane.

I Love You (2018)
I Love You (2018)
English | CBR | 80 pages | 29.87 MB

I Love You collects seven stories and comic strips from 2017, including a look at Gary Larson's most hated Far Side cartoon, what happens when a sexual harrasser dies, the spotting of a fascinating tattoo, and the many scenes that play out simultaneously on a subway platform while everyone waits for the next train.

Flocks 001 (2012)
Flocks 001 (2012)
English | CBR | 36 pages | 12.61 MB

L Nichols, now a celebrated multi-disciplinary artist, engineer and father of two, was born in small town, rural Louisiana, assigned female and raised by conservative Christians. Flocks is his memoir of that childhood, and of the expectations of his family, friends and community, the flocks of Flocks, that shaped and re-shaped him as a child. Unexpectedly, L never takes the easy way out, never accuses, never rejects, never blames and never flinches in the telling of this personal history. L's irresistibly charming drawings demonstrate what makes Flocks so special: L's boundless empathy. Flocks tells more than a story of self-acceptance; it tells a story of acceptance itself.

FREE (2015-2016)
FREE (2015-2016)
(digital-Empire).cbz 31.08 MB

FREE (2016) (digital-Empire).cbz 48.78 MB

Drag Bandits (2011)
Drag Bandits (2011)
English | CBR | 36 pages | 12.36 MB

The family friendly comic about cross-dressing and bondage! Drag Bandits put a new spin on the 17th century highway robber legend of "the wicked lady". "The second in new line of mini-comics published by Box Brown, Drag Bandits features the delightful story of a cross-dressing couple who thrill in the danger of being thieves who reverse gender expectations. It's a great comic that treats the protagonists with respect and thumbs its nose as society." -Rob McMonigal of

Wicked Chicken Queen (2014)
Wicked Chicken Queen (2014)
English | CBR | 28 pages | 13.15 MB

An insular island community pulls an egg from a tidepool, from which hatches the apocalypse in the form of a vast, cruel chicken. Wicked Chicken Queen follows the violent societal collapse of the island under the reign of the chicken queen.

What is a Glacier (2017)
What is a Glacier (2017)
English | CBR | 32 pages | 27.42 MB

Sophie Yanow, acclaimed creator of War of Streets and Houses, returns with another autobiographical tale of her trip to Iceland. Air travel in our environmentally fraught times is juxtaposed with her reflections on a relationship that ended a year prior.

The Prince (2018)
The Prince (2018)
English | CBR | 124 pages | 94.61 MB

Liam Cobb's longest work to date, The Prince is his take on the Frog Prince fairytale. We follow May, who is going through a bad marriage, but forms an unlikely friendship with a frog, who mysteriously turns up at her apartment as things between her and her husband deteriorate. Part animal comedy, part erotic thriller, The Prince is a strange, vengeful love story that tells the story of a woman and her pet.

Bowman (2011)
Bowman (2011)
English | CBR | 34 pages | 47.02 MB

After astronaut David Bowman shut down rogue computer operating system, HAL 9000, he pursued his mission in making contact with the black monolith. This is where our story begins, as his journey into the alien and bizarre world of the monolith is interspersed with flashbacks to pivotal moments of his life.
How To Be Alive (2017)
How To Be Alive (2017)
English | CBR | 44 pages | 41.4 MB

How To Be Alive is a collection of Tara Booth's most recent gouache paintings. Straying from the narrative form of her first 2 publications, How To Be Alive is a series of densely patterned, colorful, one page vignettes.
Tara Booth is an artist from Philadelphia, PA currently based in Portland, Oregon. Since she began making comics in 2015, her work has been published by küs! comics, Colorama Press, Brainfreeze Comics and in various anthologies.

Iceland (2017)
Iceland (2017)
English | CBR | 81 pages | 78.3 MB

A new surrealist tale by the creator of neo manga, the critically-acclaimed Yuichi Yokoyama. His frenetic visual style contrasts with the taciturn pace of the story and dialogue as a group of friends wander the high-latitude areas of the strange icy Far North looking for someone. Readers of Yokoyama's other stories may even recognize some characters.
Yuichi Yokoyama is an Eisner Award-nominated artist who was born in 1967 in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Musashino Art University. Originally, he was making fine art paintings, but after 2000, started to release manga, feeling that through it he could "express time." These unique works would go on to be called "neo manga" and receive high acclaim in many fields. Presently, he is also active as a contemporary artist. His other graphic novels include Color Engineering, Travel, Garden, and World Map Room.

Summerland (2016)
Summerland (2016)
English | CBR | 52 pages | 62.8 Mb

Summerland is the story of Santana and her cousin Gwen who work on a play with Chucho while all three are vacationing, created by the animator Paloma Dawkins, who works in a riotous color palette.

Our Mother (2016)
Our Mother (2016)
English | CBR | 44 pages | 72.48 MB

Our Mother is a comedy about growing up with a parent who has an anxiety order. Luke Howard mixes genres to tell an utterly open personal reflection about his childhood and his relationship with his mother. Jumping between noir, giant robots, fantasy adventure, and even scientific animal research, Luke brings a very intimate story to life with humor and cartooning experimentation.

I Thought YOU Hated ME (2016)
I Thought YOU Hated ME (2016)
English | CBR | 67 pages | 33.57 MB

When MariNaomi first meets Mirabai in grade school, Mirabai seems to be more of a bully than a friend. But over the course of time, their relationship shifts from tense to friendly, to drifting apart, to reconnecting and finding something much deeper.
I Thought YOU Hated ME is a comics memoir about female friendship, a story that doesn't involve stale tropes like acrimonious competition or fighting over boys. It explores the complexity and depth of this particular friendship through snapshot-vignettes of relevant moments over thirty years, painting a portrait of something unique but relatable, common but extraordinary.

Libby's Dad (2016)
Libby's Dad (2016)
English | CBR | 33 pages | 87.33 MB

"Libby's mom told everyone that Libby's dad said he was gonna shoot her."
"With his gun."
A lushly colored story of youth and rumor, by New York Times bestselling creator Eleanor Davis.

Hellbound Lifestyle (2016)
Hellbound Lifestyle (2016)
English | CBR | 76 pages | 53.56 MB

Kaeleigh Forsyth wryly observed and recorded the weird moments of her life in private notes on her phone, and now her friend Alabaster Pizzo has illustrated these secret thoughts in hilarious detail.

Elf Cat in Love (2016)
Elf Cat in Love (2016)
English | CBR | 105 pages | 63.52 MB

When the incredibly conceited Elf Cat goes on a quest for the Ice Sword with his magical friend Tennis Ball, they will face dragons, magical hot dogs, snowflake princesses, and confront their feelings! If you find love in many places, can you see it when it is right in front of you?

We All Wish for Deadly Force (2016)
We All Wish for Deadly Force (2016)
English | CBR | 84 pages | 69.84 MB

A collection of short stories by Leela Corman, including devastating personal loss, teaching bellydancing classes, her family in World War II Poland, reports from an American bellydancer about life in post revolution Egypt, and more.


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