Marvel NOW! - Week 111-112 (December 31, 2014-January 7, 2015)
Marvel NOW! - Week 111-112 (December 31, 2014-January 7, 2015)
English | CBR | 23 Issues | 0.98 GB

All-New Miracleman Annual #1
S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
All-New X-Factor #19
Amazing Spider-Man #12
Angela Asgard's Assassin #2
Ant-Man #1
Avengers No More Bullying #1
Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3
Death Of Wolverine The Weapon X Program #5 (of 5)
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #1 (of 4)
Hulk #10
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #8
Legendary Star-Lord #7
Marvel's The Avengers #2 (of 2)
Men Of Wrath #4 (of 5)
Miracleman #14
Operation S.I.N. #1 (of 5)
Punisher #14
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Storm #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Wolverines #1
X-Men #23
Classic Star Wars - Han Solo at Stars End (2015, Marvel Edition)
Classic Star Wars - Han Solo at Stars End (2015, Marvel Edition)
English | CBR | 79 pages | 125.26 MB

Collects Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars' End (1980) #1-3. Adapting Brian Daley's classic novel! For fans of the film -- fans of all ages -- this is one worth waiting for. Searching the galaxy for a rogue shipbuilder to repair the Millenium Falcon, Han Solo and Chewbacca battle fierce enemies and travel to the desolate asteroid known as Stars' End, a planetary prison.
Angus v1 - Le Chaventurier (2011)
Angus v1 - Le Chaventurier (2011)
French | CBR | 59 pages | 81.67 MB

Suivez les aventures d'Angus, le "chaventurier", dans la ville de Fantasy-central : un monde fantastico-futuriste où dragons et créatures de toutes sortes se côtoient ! Accompagné de Lino l'apprentie baroudeuse, de Vytus le fantôme bibliothécaire et de Mimic, un coffre magique plutôt collant, il devra faire face à de terribles méchants, enquêter sur de grands mystères et réussir, autant que foire se peut, à payer son loyer, fiction, bagarre et personnages saugrenus : découvrez le nouvel univers drôle et sarcastique de l'auteur du Collège Invisible !
Mister X - Condemned (2009)
Mister X - Condemned (2009)
English | CBR | 120 pages | 77.80 MB

Visit Radiant City, designed using the principles of psychetecture to soothe its inhabitants. But something went horribly wrong, and the city instead causes anxiety, insomnia, and madness! As ordinary citizens begin giving in to dementia and a serial killer walks the streets, a desperate City Hall commissions a drastic program of urban demolition, resulting in the deaths of an entire sect of architects. Returning from exile with a mission to recover Radiant City's original blueprints, only one man has a chance of restoring its sanity - the enigmatic Mister X!

DC Comics: The New 52! - Week 174-175 (December 31, 2014-January 7, 2015)
DC Comics: The New 52! - Week 174-175 (December 31, 2014-January 7, 2015)
English | CBR | 16 Issues | 590.03 MB

Batman Eternal #39
Earth 2 World's End #13
New 52 Futures End #35
Action Comics #38
Aquaman And The Others #9
Batman Eternal #40
Detective Comics #38
Earth 2 #30
Earth 2 World's End #14
Green Arrow #38
Green Lantern #38
Justice League 3000 #13
Lobo #4
New 52 Futures End #36
Swamp Thing #38
Girl with a Gun 001 (Boneyard Press - 1996)
Girl with a Gun 001 (Boneyard Press - 1996)
English | CBR | 37 pages | 48.75 MB
Crime Pays #1-2 (1996-1997) CompleteCrime Pays #1-2 (1996-1997) Complete
Crime Pays #1-2 (1996-1997) Complete
English | CBR | 2 Issues | HD | 144.56 MB

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