DC Comics: The New 52! - Week 110 (October 9)
DC Comics: The New 52! - Week 110 (October 9)
English | CBR | 13 Issues | 533.59 MB

Batgirl #24
Batman #24
Constantine #7
Forever Evil - Arkham War #1
Green Lantern Corps #24
Katana #8
Nightwing #24
Stormwatch #24
Suicide Squad #24
Superboy #24
Superman Wonder Woman #1
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger #12
Worlds' Finest #16
Marvel NOW! - Week 47 (October 9)
Marvel NOW! - Week 47 (October 9)
English | CBR | 12 Issues | 417.24 MB

Astonishing X-Men #68
Avengers A.I. #4
Avengers Arena #16
Captain America #12
Deadpool #18
Fearless Defenders #10
Infinity #4 (of 6)
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #4
Thor God Of Thunder #14
Uncanny X-Force #12
Wolverine #10
X-Men #6
Crossed #0-9 (2008-2010) Complete
Crossed #0-9 (2008-2010) Complete
English | CBR | 10 Issues | HD | 320.58 MB

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore sadistic violence
Garth Ennis has pulled out all the stops to write the most depraved and twisted book of his career, one that also may be his most poignant human drama! Crossed is Ennis' horrifically visceral exploration of the pure evil that humans are truly capable of indulging and collected here are all ten heart-stopping chapters. This gut-wrenching vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows. Imagine, for a moment, the worst crimes against humanity. Picture the cruelest affronts to decency. Conjure your darkest nightmares... and then realize it could all be so much worse. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed.
Calling Dick Tracy! Volume 01 (2013)
Calling Dick Tracy! Volume 01 (2013)
English | CBR | 108 pages | 233.55 MB

The time is now. The place is the City by the Lake. The man is Dick Tracy. Decades after the era of Al Capone, Pruneface, Ma Barker and Flattop, the good guys are still fighting the bad guys with guns, guts and technology in the continuing saga of Dick Tracy. Volume one of the new "Calling Dick Tracy!" eBook series by noted artist Joe Staton (Justice Society of America, Green Lantern) and writer Mike Curtis (Richie Rich, Casper the Friendly Ghost) features tough cases and grotesque villains in collected Dick Tracy comic strips.

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