Avengers JLA #1-4 (2003) Complete
Avengers JLA #1-4 (2003) Complete
English | CBR | 4 Issues | HD | 385.55 MB

The story of JLA/Avengers begins when Krona, the Maltusian who caused the original DC Universe to split into infinite realities, travels to the Marvel Universe seeking the truth of creation. There he meets The Grandmaster, who proposes they test their respective Universes against one another. Should Krona win, The Grandmaster offers to guide him to Galactus, the only being in the Marvel Universe to have witnessed the creation of existence . Should Krona's Universe lose, he is to spare the Marvel Universe from entropic destruction. Krona accepts, and the battle begins, pitting the Justice League of America (chosen to represent Grandmaster) and Avengers (representing Krona) against one another.
It is not long before the JLA and Avengers encounter one another, with the former prompted by The Grandmaster to search for twelve artifacts of power in order to save a universe, and the latter instructed by Metron of the New Gods to stop the League to prevent their world being destroyed. The hunt for the items of power begins, as various Leaguers and Avengers travel across the two universes and fight each other to retrieve the artefacts In the end, both teams meet in the Savage Land and engage in an all-out battle royale for the Cosmic Cube, which is seized by Batman, earning the JLA victory. Krona, choosing not to fulfil his end of the bargain, summons Galactus and attempts to force the knowledge he seeks out of the World-Devourer. Galactus is saved by The Grandmaster, who uses his remaining strength to merge the two universes together into a single reality.
Though seemingly stable, this new reality begins to slowly fall apart due to the original universes' incompatibility. This prompts the JLA and Avengers to join forces and avert the crisis. They are taken to a dying Grandmaster by the Phantom Stranger, and informed that Krona is trying to destroy this new reality by further merging the original two universes.
The heroes storm Krona's base, fighting numerous Marvel and DC villains in the process. The battle is eventually joined by every single hero to have ever been a member of the JLA and Avengers, allowing them to defeat Krona and restore the universe to their original singularity.
NOTE: Indicia titles issues #1&3 as "JLA/Avengers" and issues #2&4 as "Avengers/JLA".

Star Wars Omnibus - Dark Times Vol. 2 (2015)
Star Wars Omnibus - Dark Times Vol. 2 (2015)
English | CBR | 466 pages | 729.05 MB

Collects Star Wars: Dark Times (2006) #13-32. Jedi Dass Jennir takes a job that attracts the attention of Lord Vader himself! Meanwhile, Jedi Master K'Kruhk tries to shield a group of Padawans from the Empire's hunt for Jedi. Culminating in a confrontation between the Jedi and Darth Vader, the galaxy's dark times continue . . .

Star Wars Omnibus - Dark Times Vol. 1 (2015)
Star Wars Omnibus - Dark Times Vol. 1 (2015)
English | CBR | 345 pages | 561.78 MB

Collects Star Wars: Republic (1998) #79-80, Star Wars: Dark Times (2006) #1-12, Star Wars: Dark Times - Blue Harvest #0. Master Dass Jennir will strive to find out what it means to be a Jedi in a changed galaxy now ruled by the Empire. Master K'Kruhk—suddenly responsible for a group of Jedi younglings—will sacrifice much for their safety. The struggles of the Jedi will intertwine with those of others now living in fear, including the diverse crew of a smuggling ship, the Uhumele, and a Nosaurian whose troubles begin when the Clone Wars end.

JLA - Secret Society of Super-Heroes #1-2 (2000) Complete
JLA - Secret Society of Super-Heroes #1-2 (2000) Complete
English | CBR | 2 Issues | 38.97 MB

Bart's been chosen to go into the Kryptic, but what side will he be on, will he even survive and what if Bruce Wayne never became Batman and Lois Lane never met Clark Kent?
The schism deepens, then implodes. The Kryptic take to the streets fighting invisibly. The invisibility disappears. Two people die. Who is it. You'll have to read it yourself.

Star Slammers #1-8 (2014) CompleteStar Slammers #1-8 (2014) Complete
Star Slammers #1-8 (2014) Complete
English | CBR | 8 Issues | 471.66 MB

Walter Simonson can honestly be described as a living legend. Besides co-creating Manhunter with the great Archie Goodwin, in the early days of his career, Simonson has written and drawn nearly all of the Marvel and DC characters at one time or another. Highlights include The Fantastic Four, Batman, Orion, Elric, and his groundbreaking run on The Mighty Thor.
Star Slammers - The Complete Collection (2015)
English | CBR | 299 pages | 503.80 MB

Star Wars Omnibus v26 - Clone Wars Vol. 3 - The Republic Falls (2015)
Star Wars Omnibus v26 - Clone Wars Vol. 3 - The Republic Falls (2015)
English | CBR | 426 pages | 736.04 MB

Collects Star Wars: Republic (1998) #70 - #77 and #81 - #83, Star Wars: Obsession #1 - #5, and Free Comic Book Day 2005. Well played, Darth Sidious. Well played. The end of the Clone Wars is in sight, but so are the end of the Jedi and the fall of the Republic! Obi-Wan Kenobi recruits Anakin Skywalker in a desperate hunt for dark Jedi Asajj Ventress that will lead to a showdown with General Grievous and Count Dooku. Elsewhere, Jedi Generals infiltrate a Separatist base in hopes of concluding a protracted siege, and on Kashyyyk, as the clone troopers respond to Order 66, Master Quinlan Vos finds himself fighting against the army he led to victory.

Star Wars Omnibus v25 - Clone Wars Vol. 2 - The Enemy On All Sides (2015)
Star Wars Omnibus v25 - Clone Wars Vol. 2 - The Enemy On All Sides (2015)
English | CBR | 387 pages | 724.89 MB

Collects Star Wars: Republic (1998) #55-60, 62, 64-66, 68, Star Wars: Jedi - Yoda #1, Star Wars: General Grievous #1-4. Jedi Generals and their clone troops are dispatched to every corner of the galaxy to fight the rising tide of the Separatist movement and its deadly droid armies. On these far-flung battlefields, Anakin Skywalker commands a strategic, but fateful, retreat; Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes the prisoner of Asajj Ventress; and Master Yoda is forced to trade the life of an old friend for victory. Plus, a Jedi strike force is sent to vanquish General Grievous!

Star Wars Omnibus v24 - Clone Wars Vol. 1 - The Republic Goes To War (2015)
Star Wars Omnibus v24 - Clone Wars Vol. 1 - The Republic Goes To War (2015)
English | CBR | 404 pages | 764.59 MB

Collects Star Wars: Republic (1998) #49-54, 61, 63, 67, Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu, Star Wars: Jedi - Shaak Ti, Star Wars: Jedi - Aayla Secura, Star Wars: Jedi - Count Dooku. The Clone Wars explode across the galaxy! From the stormy seas of Kamino to the rocky hills of Devaron, the battle lines have been drawn, and the Jedi Knights who were once protectors of the peace must become generals, leading the clone armies of the Republic to war! These are the stories that were published immediately after the release of Attack of the Clones, featuring Jedi heroes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Quinlan Vos.

Stonehenge T1 Erin (2015)
Stonehenge T1 Erin (2015)
English | CBR | 61 pages | 56.01 MB

Valkyrie T1-T2 (2012-2014)Valkyrie T1-T2 (2012-2014)
Valkyrie T1-T2 (2012-2014)
English | CBR | 2 Issues


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