Home > Graphic Novel, Manga > Someday's Dreamers v01-2 (2006)

Someday's Dreamers v01-2 (2006)

29-08-2015. Author: patty3
Someday's Dreamers v01-2 (2006)Someday's Dreamers v01-2 (2006)
Someday's Dreamers v01-2 (2006)
English | CBR | 2 Issues

Yume desperately wants to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a magic user in the worst way! She innocently practices using magic to help the people she encounters: struggling soccer players, the wrongly incarcerated, and a student who wants to show his moon-loving teacher a lunar eclipse on a cloudy evening. On this coming-of-age journey filled with genuine imagination and a passionate sense of awe, follow Yume as she learns that the true magic in life can take place right inside her own heart.For the first time in the U.S., TOKYOPOP presents the manga series that influenced the popular anime, which Amazon.com describes as, "A cross between Harry Potter and Sailor Moon!"

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