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Mega Princess (2017)

9-09-2017. Author: Stram
Mega Princess (2017)
Mega Princess (2017)
English | CBR | 130 pages | 369.7 MB

Kelly Thompson (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink, Jem and the Holograms) and artist Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee) give us a dose of princess power with a twist in Mega Princess! On Princess Maxine Titan's 10th birthday, her fairy godmother grants her the powers of every princess, from speaking to animals to sensing a pea under a ton of mattresses. Max is more interested in being a detective than a princess, but when her baby brother goes missing, she'll have to combine her princess powers with her sleuthing prowess to get him back! Collects the complete limited series.

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